Saturday, May 17, 2014

China evacuates workers after Vietnam deadly riots

Taiwan-owned furniture factory torched in Binh Duong, 14 May At least 15 foreign-owned factories have been torched in Vietnam in recent days
The Chinese government has evacuated more than 3,000 of its nationals from Vietnam following a wave of anti-Chinese riots, Chinese media report.
State-run Xinhua news agency says Beijing is arranging charter flights and ships to help more people to leave.
At least two Chinese nationals have been killed and 100 injured in recent unrest in Vietnam over a Chinese oil rig drilling in disputed waters.
On Saturday the Vietnamese government called for an end to the protests.
Officials said "illegal acts" would be stopped as they could damage national stability. However, dissident groups have urged people to rally again in major cities on Sunday.
In recent days crowds have set fire to at least 15 foreign-owned factories - including Chinese, Taiwanese and South Korean businesses - in several Vietnamese industrial parks.
'Dissatisfied' Correspondents say the attacks appear to have worried authorities, as Hanoi depends heavily on foreign investment for economic growth.
However, China has urged authorities to take tougher measures to punish rioters.
"We are strongly dissatisfied by the Vietnamese side failure to respond effectively to curb an escalation," Xinhua quoted security chief Guo Shengkun as saying on Saturday.
The protests have been triggered by China's decision to move its Haiyang Shiyou 981 oil rig into contested waters in the South China Sea.
This led to confrontations between Vietnamese and Chinese ships earlier this month, as Vietnam sought to block the move.
China insists it will continue drilling in the area, west of the Paracel Islands - which are controlled by China but also claimed by Vietnam, and Taiwan.
Nationalist sentiment is currently running very high in Vietnam over the issue, correspondents say.

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