Friday, July 4, 2014

Libyan envoy kills himself at embassy

Dar es Salaam. Libya’s acting ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Ismail Nwairat, is reported to have committed suicide on Tuesday afternoon inside the embassy offices in Upanga. He had bullet wounds to the chest, according to a statement by the ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation.
The body of the diplomat was slumped on his office desk, with blood spreading on the floor. The government statement indicated that he shot himself with a pistol at around 1pm. “The information we have is that Mr Nwairat locked himself in the office and turned the pistol on himself,” said the ministry’s spokesperson Mkumbwa Ally in a statement to the media. “Security personnel broke down the door and found him lifeless.”
Mr Nwairat was declared dead at AMI hospital at Oysterbay. The body is at Muhimbili National Hospital, according to police. According to the ministry, the embassy is making plans to transport the body to Libya for burial. The Tanzanian government said it would offer the necessary support.
Sentries and other staff at the embassy were alerted by a loud noise in the official’s office. Mr Nwairat had held that position in an acting capacity for more than two years following the recall of the former ambassador, Prof Ahmed El Ash’ab, for raising the rebel National Transition Council flag without prior consultation with the Tanzania government.
Employees were unwilling to speak with reporters when The Wadjs visited the embassy yesterday. The offices were quiet and little activity was evident.
“We are aware that an incident happened in the embassy,” said a neighbour who did not want to be named. “But we do not have full details on what transpired and how.” It was not clear whether the diplomat lived on the premises. Security officials would not allow anyone beyond the open compound.
Investigations were reportedly underway and the Dar es Salaam special police zone commander, Mr Suleiman Kova, told The Wadjs they would issue an official statement today.

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